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Workshop Series (PPA Merit Program) | Scott Holleman: A Theatrical Approach to Lighting & Modifiers

2315 Commerce St.

Houston, TX 77002

Taking from his technical theatre background, Scott will cover a variety of lighting modifiers, ranging from the Manfrotto Hilite to reflectors, optical and traditional snoots, grids, and barn doors. We will cover a variety of lighting setups, from using a single light to four lights.

You’ll learn:

  • creating window light without the window

  • using a snoot as a fill or main light

  • when to use grids

  • difference between reflective and shoot-through umbrellas

  • using reflectors

  • how to apply these concepts on location

What you need:

  • notetaking materials

  • camera, preferred lens, & if available, Godox/Flashpoint trigger

  • sack lunch

All skill levels welcome. Registration limited to 10 participants.

Please note: We are unable to accept registration payments at the workshop. Unpaid registrations will be canceled.

Workshop fees:

PPGH or PPA member: $95

Guest: $125

Lifetime & honorary members: $10

February 25

February Image Competition

March 18

PPGH Evening Meeting | Michael Reiland - Creating Award-winning Landscape Photographs