Upcoming events

Workshop Series (PPA Merit Program) | John Nader: Painting with Light
Painting with Light

Workshop Series | Maryna Gliebova: Cinematic Inspiration & Creative Portrait Hacks
Cinematic Inspiration & Creative Portrait Hacks

PPGH Evening Meeting | Maria Arellano: Social Media Marketing for Photographers
Social Media Marketing for Photographers

PPGH Evening Meeting | Michael Reiland - Creating Award-winning Landscape Photographs
Creating Award-winning Landscape Photographs

Workshop Series (PPA Merit Program) | Scott Holleman: A Theatrical Approach to Lighting & Modifiers
A Theatrical Approach to Lighting & Modifiers

Workshop Series (PPA Merit Program) | Heather Harvey - Storytelling Portraits: Sets, Props, & Costumes
Storytelling Portraits: Sets, Props, & Costumes

PPGH Evening Meeting | Tony Chicas - Creative Lighting Techniques ***rescheduled from 1/21 due to weather***
Creative Lighting Techniques

Colt Melrose | ‘Colt’ivating Great Clients - Workshop Series (PPA), Merit Program
'Colt'ivating Great Clients

Leslie Cervantez | Focus on Clients: How Your CRM Turns Contacts into Captured moments
Focs on Clients: How Your CRM Turns Contacts into Captured Moments

Scott Holleman | Using a Theatrical Approach to Lighting and Modifiers - Workshop Series (PPA), Merit Program
Using a Theatrical Approach to Lighting and Modifiers

John Nader | Painting With Light: Techniques and Tips for Beginners - Workshop Series (PPA), Merit Program
Painting with Light: Techniques and Tips for Beginners

Teri Whittaker | From Flowers to Fine Art and the Power of Personal Projects
From Flowers to Fine Art
and the Power of Personal Projects
Event Calendar
Join us for an upcoming event - grow your skills while creating valuable friendships with other photographers!
Planning ahead…
Events & workshops will be listed on this page as soon as registration is available. Until then, here’s a preview of the amazing speakers planned for this year (save the dates!)
May 20: Andre Brown | Weddings
Jun 17: Mary Fisk-Taylor | Pathways to Profit
Jul 15: Elizabeth Homan
Aug 19-20: Mark McCall | Volume Schools & Automation
Sep 16: Alison Carlino | High School Sports, Sportraits, & Seniors
Oct 21: tbc
Nov 18: Member roundtable
Dec 7: Holiday party